Gerahead's 71 Dart

Thanks for the compliments. The passenger compartment floor was generally in pretty good shape except for the foot well behind the driver seat. Here there were a couple of pin holes and I welded these back closed. Otherwise is was brute force. Twisted wire wheel on an offset 4-1/2 inch grinder. The trunk floor was pretty solid as well, but the winter before I got the car, it had been sitting outside under a tarp with no deck lid. The tarp blew off and the trunk filled with snow, so there was plenty of surface rust. I initially used some POR putty ot fill in the pin holes in the bottom of the spare tire well, but I have since acquired a brand new (replacement) base for the well that I will patch in instead and then it will be rock solid.
What I found during the wheeling process is that when it looks like you really aren't making much progress removing material, its because the individual wires in the wheel take on a curve from the pressure and rotation. Take the wheel off and turn it upside down and it works like a champ again. It is really dirty work, but the metal comes out pretty clean. L8r