Painting Rustolium

Hi all

I was going to spray my Demon with satin black Tremclad paint. I was wondering if anyone has used this and how do u reduce it so it can be sprayed.


I can't speak from personal experience but a friend painted her car with CTC Armourcoat and it looks awesome.
One picture can be seen on her web page, the first Fire Chicken on her web page.

This is what she emailed me.

Believe it or not, it was Canadian Tire Armourcoat, flat black, in a 1 gal. can. We sprayed it with a gun like any car, but we had to thin the paint out a bit. It only cost $27.00!!!! On a side note, it gets dirty fast and I have to clean it with Clorox Greenworks at the track, I'm afraid to use any wax on it because it will change the look and I'm afraid it won't go on even.