Laid Off

I lost my job about 13 months ago. I was upset and still am at the people who ran the company I was there for 21 years and they didn't even tell anyone that I was no longer employed there cause it could damage the marketability of the company. I tried to stay in the field of work I was doing,I was the vineyard manager for Chaddsford Winery so big vineyards in Pa. are few and far. I couldn't find anything close by so I talked to the owner of the vineyards a few weeks ago (they were leased) and got the job to tear 27 acres of grapes out since no-one else leased them. Now I feel like I got off the Titanic and into a life raft as the doors of Chaddsford are now only open a few days a week,IMO it's on life support...Keep your head up and good things will come.