forgotton cars

I worked at Thrifty Car Rental in 87 and remember getting the blue, grey and white versions of these, awsome little cars, wish i could have afforded to buy one back then.

How many did they make for production? I think they made 1000 of them for Thrifty, but only ever saw one production version on the road. A guy around here still has a Thrifty version.

In 1988 they made 1000 Doge CSX-T's the T is for Thrifty. They had the Turbo one motor's unlike the 87 that had the intercooled TII motor. You might be seeing the one I sold a few years ago to a guy that lives in Renton, He has over 20 turbo Mopar's. Had a 89 CSX until a guy in a Dodge Ram, Rammed me. Was a very fun car to drive. I think they made 1000 in 87 and know they made 500 in 89, mine was number 499
I have not seen a Ford Granada in years, I think they wanted us to mistake them for a Mercedes.