Guess this is what can happen if the cops think you are super drunk

Three Personal Accounts:

First one is about how police can get caught up in their job. I was coming home from working 14 hours and was supposed to pick up a friend who was a bartender at the local bar. I arrived around 2am I think it was just as the bars were closing only to find out she had gotten a ride home from her boyfriend instead and forgot to tell me.

The police in our local town would love to wait a block away from the bar and pull over every vehicle leaving the parking lot (or follow people walking until they get into a vehicle). To make a long story short they pulled me over and the officer accused me of being intoxicated. He informed me he was giving me a 24 hour suspension and impounding my vehicle. I was informed if I wanted to fight the suspension then I would need to have blood work done and he left.

So it's after 2am and Im stranded down town (I lived 45 minutes outside of town). My first stop was the ER at the hospital to get blood drawn to fight my ticket. I was told I would have to come back to the hospital during normal hours. I then phone the police station and was told that the blood results wouldn't be accepted due to any alcohol in my system breaking down after waiting the 7 hours for the hospital to properly open.

Skip ahead 24 hours and I pick up my license. Forward another year when I go to renew my license I find out that I cannot renew my license due to the Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles putting a hold on my license due to driving under the influence.

Get this I had to write an apology letter to the Superintendent! My first letter was the truth and it was rejected. So I was forced to write that I was intoxicated and that it would never happen again, just so I could get my license back.

The second story about how police can misread a person. Walking from my place to a friends place around midnight I started having an epileptic seizure. My seizures weren't the full on falling to the ground type. Anyways an officer stopped me and accused me of being intoxicated in public and was going to take me to the drunk tank. Luckily my friend had wondered why I was late and came looking for me and explained it correctly to the officer and he was allowed to take me home.

The third story is how even trained professionals can misread a person. I was working in the hospital when I had another epileptic seizure. Doctors came running and even though I had a medic alert tag around my neck they did not check it. They believed I was having a diabetic attack or something of that sort because the doctor ordered a nurse to give me a "massive shot of insulin" as my friend (the same one in the last story) told me afterwards. Lucky for me he was also coworker and followed me into ER.

So as for officers fully understanding the signs of different attacks it can be accepted. Beating the man though is not accepted.