1965 Dodge Dart Charger

Thanks for all the goodies. I found some nice info there!

Today theinterliners showed up. I was pretty sure that the were molded in a certain way but it was just a simple rubber interliner!

The profile was ok but they were tuff to add to the metal strip. But atfer a while they look as new. Now I just tneed two more rubber interliners!

Yesterday I left the transmission to a friend of mine that has a transmission shop. He is one of seven in the world who can tell manufacturers to improve the transmission and they do it!! So I think he know what he's doing. After some chat and a cup of coffee with started talking about the rear axle. He wondered if I needed to restore it and if I had the tools. He was very interested how I was going to disassemble the axle. Just before I took off he said that if I needed tolls for the 7 1/4 rear axle he had a complete set from the Swedish agent for Chrysler from the sixties!!!!!! He got it from them when they closed down. Coincidence or what!! This is how they look.

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