What Do Think Cerebus Should Do To Help Set Chrysler Apart From The Dogs.....

sounds great.....and yes a full size surburban fighter sounds like a good idea and i remember seeing in the pages of something a couple of years back about some spy shots of one in development but for some reason mother dumped the idea apparently. but i dont see a whole lot of people continuing to buy them for the simple fact of the reality of fuel prices never going to be cheap again like 10 years ago.maybe i'm wrong but ford and chevy have a huge share in that market and they're not doing any better than chrysler...and have to cut prices like mad to move them still = equals no profit
i still think bringing back plymouth back to do battle with import line is there
best way to handle things they can completly set up as a revamped new line if nessary and then if it bombs kill it off again....not hurting the core companies rep. or sales and no long period loss other than the money invested...i dont know. i wish somebody who made big bucks in marketing would chime in with a magical answer.....