What Do Think Cerebus Should Do To Help Set Chrysler Apart From The Dogs.....

Wow, heavy topic. The auto industry is one of those fickle things.

Pontiac Aztec (Ugly as sin,fairly fuel efficient , utility vehicle)= couldn't give em away.

Honda element (Ugly as sin,fairly fuel efficient , utility vehicle)= 5 of them at every light.

IMHO the key is being able to give the populous what they want(or convince them that the car available is what they want), but add development time, market research and big wigs that cant see past their own wallets and that becomes almost an impossible task.

Lets face it, we here are still a minority among a slowly(*) growing set of old car fans. (* slowly in comparison to the chopper craze).
AND we are almost impossible to please when it comes to new cars.

whew, I could go on.... but that said I'm just going sit back and see what comes of it... you never know maybe we'll see something that comes out and be like ... wow why didn't they have that when I was a kid?

personally I'm still waiting for a mag-lev car. ( like something from bladerunner!!!) :)