Fender not shipped by wilbanks????

Wow seems that was the same thing I had said when I sent you an email last week. Was to start calling the terminals and checking to see if its there. But instead you continued to run a guys name in the mud before you did your home work.

If you read my original post I ran nobody into any mud. However, I must say, my title "not shipping fender" was not the best wording and I apoligize for that. But the body of the post explains I was only trying to see why the fender did not arrive. I was asking for help from whomever maybe new him? I also did contact greyhound in Boston and they did not have the part and could search no further because I was never given the tracking/shipping numbers? If I had them, I would have done that. As a Vietnam Combat Marine, I know what mud feels like, and it was never my intent to drag anyone into it. Bobby and I are fine with this. We know what happened. I tried my best to explain this here. So let's all just let it be at that, because now YOU my friend, sound like you are trying to drag me into the mud???? Isn't that what you claim you want to prevent????