Good for you hope your relation continues to grow. In your words we our getting our relationship back on track. No mention of respect. I never said you could not have a relationship just that the respect aspect is usually a lost cause. You can have a relationship without respect.

In your words, you said at 15 if they dont have respect they are a lost cause, those are words you chose, however you meant them I dunno. Im interpretating your typing/words that if they dont have respect they are a lost cause...whatever.....AND by the way my son does and is gaining respect for me. Maybe the last 5 years I should have given up on him?? Sorry Oldmanray, but maybe Im interpreting your words wrong...for your sake I hope so. Go talk to a highschool teacher, see how many 15 year olds have respect for anyone...not many I bet, but they do come around.....