no high pressure rv2 help!

yes I by-passed /jumped the low presure switch it still continued to cycle on /off. the manual refers to another switch that senses the temp on the condensor inside the car. It refers it to a temp sensing switch. That I jumped and the clutch continually stayed on which is what brought the low side down to 15 and very low temps inside the vehicle. I still cannot get the high side higher than 50. When i first installed the compressor I had 100 on the high side . Now only 50 . If it had a blockage why after the car is shut off it equalize to 70 on both sides . yes the valves are closed on the manifold. My partner is fairly versed on a/c on General Motors/ he 2 thought we were low on freon. I have a sight window on the drier . We addes more freon after the 2-3 lbs spec out by the manual due to a few air bubles just ptrior the clutch cycling back on.