Fall Fling November 10, 2007

We had a blast at the Spring Fling, my dad and i will be there for sure, whether the duster makes it out is a different story, Hopefully we can get the 360 in before then. We cant wait!!

Remember the "Mopars of Merit" Ribbons at Fall Fling are not just given out to prestine show cars. Lots of Ribbons are given to cars that show work in progress, effort, good showmanship/attitude.

A bunch of in progress pictures helps show that the owner did the work him/her self. And also shows what and whom were involved. Even displaying your future plans and vision for the car is helpful. Looking for postive ongoing commitment to the car, project and hobby in the future.

Disregarding the ribbon, when you communicate your past and future efforts and commitment more people offer you help and sound advice.

Really, same goes in an internet message board if you think about it.