I agree that respect is earned. I also agree that a parent has the right to instill respect, as no one else has the ability these days to do so.

Personally, I would rather have seen him stomp the crap out of the notebook, but the point was made either way.

I see this lack of respect daily in my daughter's friends and classmates. The worse they act, the more they are given. Nevermind the lack of respect for material things, it is the lack of respect for others that is already manifesting itself. It is an entitled me-only generation, and unfortunately, it will never get better until children are taught that the world actually doesn't revolve around them.

Thanks Dan for the posts. It makes me realize that it is not just drawing the line in the sand that is important, instead, it is having the fortitude to make seemingly unpleasant decisions to ensure it is not crossed, that matter.
