Who likes Neil Peart's drumming?

Didin't mean to go off on a tangent with the TOOL video.

The Rush show I saw on the Counterparts tour,I was at the Omni in Atlanta.I went to pee and heard the drum solo starting midstream.My seat was around the bend quite a ways,so I ducked into the first portal I could find.I went down the rabbit hole and ended up directly above and behind Neil with his revolving set,a view similar to the angle in the video above,and I stood there...unable to move with my jaw on my chest for about 25 min. while he showed that swirling monstrosity who was boss! It was the most technical,layer upon layer,go to the edge and bring it back drum circle of one, trip without acid I ever have been on,or ever will be lucky enough to witness.Considering all aspects,there is no way to communicate the warm glow I was enjoying at the time,but let me assure you,if you had been there,you wouldn't have been able to say **** either!


Hey,it's my night off!