Milwaukee World of Wheels

Looks like your spraying it, does it do 9's on the bottle?? thats fast either way, do you run it a Great lakes dragway?? I'm not sure where Burlington is, guess I should google it.. It will be good to meet, Wayne (Dustpan340) is a great guy we met at last years Mopar Nats, neither one of us had or dusters there though....

750HP & 9's without the bottle. I have never run the bottle and doubt I will.

I have been to Great Lakes Dragaway twice making 6 passes total. I had never driven a drag car before so it was quite a hair raising experiance!!! The first couple runs scared the crap out of me!! But I was careful and followed Dave's instructions on how to learn to drive the beast. My fourth run was 10.78 with me getting out of it at 1000 ft so as not to go under 10 sec. You are not allowed to run under 10 sec without a NHRA license.

A video of my first run

Ma Snart