no high pressure rv2 help!

I apologize! I was thinking he might be using a service port on the filter/dryer, most of the ones I've seen had them. If he was the filter/dryer could be mostly plugged and then he would have high pressure in the cond. coil and part of the filter/dryer and some in the line to the orifice then very low press in the evap. and suction lines. I have seen this happen, and becausevery little heat is picked up in the high side line from the filter/dryer to the orifice the evap. will sub cool. If in that situation the compressor were to run continuously and moved refrigerant faster than it was passing out of the filter/dryer you could end up with nearly all of the 4lb he said he put in there in the cond. and filter/dryer. May be I have no idea what I'm talking about, (I got out of automotive service in 95) If so I repent in sack cloth and ashes.:prayer: