There's One Born Every Day

Just wonder if they took into consideration the fact that once the tires leave the ground the speedo will give a false reading, like when you gas it on snow and bury the needle.

No--I don't think for a second his car was going a real 142 mph before the crash.

Forget black boxes--one more plus for our old cars--no commuters-black boxes

Sounds like the cops are really trying to screw him over now. Wasn't enough to hit him with drunk driving and speeding, now they want reckless as well. You do lose your drivers license for drunk driving--no getting out of it

I'm sure the car was speeding, going 85--95 mph--why you should not drink and drive and why its a crime, no need to throw reckless in as well. Did he blow away any red lights--nope, any high speed shoulder passing other cars--nope. He was just speeding but drunk and lost control.

He is very lucky not to been killed so no jury is going to feel sorry for him so now the cops can charge him to the moon