There's One Born Every Day

I was going to an appt in a little town 6 miles away yesterday, came around a 90 degree right hand turn and there's a red Corvette facing the wrong way up on the side of the hill.
Two guys were standing there staring at it and shaking thier heads.
From the looks of the tire marks he was going the opposite way I was and lost it in the corner causing him to spin around backwards and go across my lane and up on the hillside.
This was a 35 mph residential street.

Glad he wrecked his plastic Chebby. Moron

Sometimes the road isn't too smooth and that is why there is a 35 mph limit. You hit a dip at 55-65 mph and if your foot is floored the car can spin out--least these newer cars with little weight in back and too wide of tires in back.

Why even the old Hemi cars came with skinny tires, wide tires used to be only for race tracks--how-why-that rule changed I got no idea. I recall around 1980 in high school kids talking about getting tickets for their tires or rear bumper up too high. Cops used to have tape measures and checked the bumper hight and a jacked up car with fat tires is "cool looking"

On the expressways thou 95 mph in a 70 mph zone is just a 3 point ticket here in Michigan. Same as rolling pass a stop sign. Our state cops tend to stay in the middle or right lanes going under the limit and letting traffic pass in the left lane, 75 or so they leave you alone. I laugh how many folks don't notice the cop car until they just about pass it, ha ha..this is mid day..not at night. Don't people look ahead anymore ?