PSC is Closed Today ...

Okay, one last bump on this thread to thank you all once again for the strong shoulders to lean on, for the picture sharing, and for the general big brother-ness. :-D Getting through the last two weeks hasn't been easy but you've all made it at least tolerable.

KrazyKuda saw this at the Chicago Auto Show and sent it to me yesterday in memory of Sox. It's now residing on one of my storage freezers in the shop.

View attachment 029 - Copy.jpg

Thank you Karl! < hug > You always know just what to say and do, and your kind actions and thoughts are appreciated more than you could ever know.

I've also been giving a lot of thought to some kind of legacy to keep Sox's memory alive. Though this is just the start, I donated two $75 PSC Gift Certificates in Sox's name to the 14th Annual Jackson County (Tennessee) Humane Society's Fur Ball, a local black tie event held every year with a silent auction, scheduled for March 3, 2012 with all proceeds going to their Humane Society.