get the prayer chain started, folks

In need of some prayers here, ladies and gents.

My wife just got off the phone with her dad. He went in to get an MRI done for his sciatica, and they found a bulging artery in his stomach. Precursor to an aneurysm. They're going to attempt a stent and have got him on blood pressure meds. He just gave up smoking, which is a plus in his favor as the doc told him he'd have to give it up and he and my mother-in-law just started a new diet, which the doctor was going to recommend.

Then, while my wife was talking to her dad, I got a call from my sister about my dad. He was walking his beloved little dachshund, Daisy, when he slipped and fell. She ran back under him and when he fell he crushed her, killing her. He, Momma, and my brother, John, are pretty broken up.

Need prayers for healing all the way around.