Need computer help!

...I used to work for IBM (which spun off the PC market into Lenovo), and they were HORRIBLE to work on....................

I could NOT disagree more

I've owned SEVERAL Thinkpads, and find them the opposite of horrible to maintain. In addition, IBM has/ had just about the BEST online support a person could ask for. You could (and in many cases still can) download most any manual, maintenance manual, and drivers you can imagine, for some pretty old models, too.

I suggest, if you think Thinkpads are bad, you try to get support for Acer

Or maybe HP. Before I bought this ill fated Asus, I tried to call HP support, and by the way, I've ALREADY had some bad vibes from those Alpha Hotels, and tried to crowbar out of them if they still supply physical restore disks and for how much. After wasting 45 minutes and being switched to 4 different people, most of whom could not speak simple English, I gave up.

Or my latest bungle, this P.O.S. Asus

First thing I did after I bought it was order the "factory burned" restore CD/ DVDs. This is because I wanted to "play" with Linux and wanted a "fer sure" backup. So I bought a new hard drive and the first thing I did was check the operation of the brand new restore disks. Not only don't they NOT work right, it's as if they are for the wrong computer!!! I had to screw around for hours the get the correct drivers loaded on the thing.

I bought this laptop 10/ 11. So here we are, 4 months down the road and...........

The "A" key, the S, X, L, comma and period are all completely obliterated.

Worse that is absoLUTELY no help at all from ASUS on Linux support.

So I've owned ONE. I will NEVER EVER own another Asus