Need computer help!

Actually, I think Tiger bought the rights to the defunct CompUSA name.

The Lenovo demo model I saw had a semi-ruggedized edge around the lid that also overlapped the main body when closed, also providing for a bit of rain/spill resistance.
Seemed like an exceptionally well thought out product.

It's been over 15 years since I worked for IBM's service subsidiary.
Back then IBM was LESS "IBM compatible" than almost any other brand.
Remember "reference disks"??
The entire culture of the compnay was illogical toward PC and (as was grouped into our job description) minicomputer support (AS 400). I still have copies of some of the forms I had to fill out in septuplicate, and have LOTS of other horror stories.

We did have cool devices called 'PTs" that handled our call assignments, and we were considered "at work" as soon as we tuned them on. A VERY high tech forerunner of today's "smartphone (no voice, just text and data, but on the cell network)"....although for some reason I STILL had to fill out handwritten timesheets and handwritten defective parts return forms. BTW we had about a 70% new defective rate, but were told NOT to order more than one of the same part at the same time, even if for a customer with a 4 hour contract.

OK, OK, ONE more...speaking of 4 hour contracts, I could actually have a part delivered via helicopter to our local municipal airport, but if I needed a service manual for any given model, I had to order a form to be mailed to me which I had to fill out by hand, mail that back to a different office, and wait for them to mail me the hardcopy manual.