Help ID a tranny off of craigslist

So i got this transmission off of a guy on craigslist. He claims it is out of a 64 dart and is a 3 speed. The tranny was caked in grime 1/2' thick on the clean parts. but it was almost free. So i got it. Dont have a pressure washer so my saturday AM, scrapers, oven cleaner and a hose spent some quality time together. Its almost clean, the nuimbers i did acquire so far are C 13303 G and 8 24 77. What do those represent? is the 8 24 77 August the 24th 1977? If so I dont even know if this guy knew what he was talking about with the 64 dart thing. Also the shifter, which wasnt attached when i got it is a hurst shifter.

Help me id this tranny. Are there other niumbers I should be looking for?