8 3/4 vent problem

i recently put a 8 3/4 in my duster out of a ebody and didnt notice that some one put a normal bolt in the place of the vent bolt . i got lucky and none of the seals blew out and it was just leaking out the threads of the bolts and i over filled it when i put it in just in case it leaked. i drove the car on the highway at 70mph for about 30min and around town a couple of hours before i noticed it leaking. it was still most of the way full of fluid when i opend it and it was pressurized but the sure grip was acting a little weird right before i noticed it . i just put the fluid and additive in a couple weeks ago, but since it got hotter with out a vent should i change it and could it of done any damage to my sure grip unit.

thanks ,Tyler