AMD bumpers

I have alot of perfect cores and good drivers. But I needed bumpers in a hurry for a car show at a local dealer and also our one of our sponcers . So I went with AMD. I really only needed the rear but I ordered both so I had it for my 70,

When they arrived the front was nice . The rear was not as nice it had a dip in the left side as the one on the lime green Duster above. It was an easy fix because they are alot thinner then the factory bumpers. But the chrome was wavy and you could see scratches under the chrome with florecent lighting. I called AMD up and explained. They were very nice and told me to use it for the show. Afterwards to call them and they will have it picked up and replace it.

The second bumper had the same dip on the left but the chome was nice. He explained they were having quality problems and were working on it. I straighten the dip and put is on my Pro-street Duster.

The AMD bumpers look as nice as original. They don't have that deep blue look as a triple plate rechome. But you only need that when you are doing a car where You have alot of other pieces plated that are next to the bumper.

My next bumpers will be AMD. they are supplying alot of parts for our cars and I say give them a chance. They are really good to deal with compared to some chroming places where you get someone elses bumber back that was repaired.

If your sending your bumper to get rechromed weld your name in the back and make a tracing with pics. I had some nightmares with some chroming companies. I already got a bumper back with a weld seam down the middle where they welded two halves together.