Just wrong in too many ways

I'll bet we could compete if we had low taxes, low pay and very low environmental standards.
China gets a free pass and everyone talks about fairness.

About the only thing that really stands out about Romney is his willingness to put a stick up Chinas *** and snap it off.

Don't know how we could ever compete though with government regulations and taxation so stifling in America.
America simply can't compete with China's cocktail of provisions that enable them to kick our *** in this .

The American government is too big which in turn has such a tight stranglehold on American businesses that there is no comparison so we can ***** all we want but it ain't China's fault.....we need to look no further that our own government.

If they wanted jobs brought back to America they could do it, but the government would have to get the hell out of the way, and that would not go too well with the government.

You have regulations, the EPA, humanitarian issues and tax issues that simply can't be competed with when you have a capitalist society competing with a state run communist country that disregards and does not worry about the regulations that we have to comply with.

You cant have you cake and eat it too unless you get rid of an assload of business stifling regulations.

This won't make the tree hughers happy, nor the unions nor the Washington establishment and surely not the lawsuit happy trial lawyers happy.

How to fix this?

Get the government out of the way and look to our past during the industrial revolution, but like I said, it will never happen with today's go green establishment mindset.....so we can keep filling Chinas coffers while they get a free pass.