Legendary Street Race

Yep we had a few troopers that would show up and check us out to make sure no drinking or drugs were going on then tell us to have at it and even had to race one before,when the flagger dropped the arms I musta waited a bout 3 or 4 seconds before I let the Lil' 340 loose on im, then it was time to go fishin and reel im in,no problem then got on the brakes so he could win lol

A story for ya Waggin... We were taking a motorhome down to Lakeland for the big airshow there (sun-n-fun) and the other guy overheated the engine cause the belt broke. Cracked the head but we didn't know. Were on the side of the road and a trooper comes up in his 5.0 rustand and offers me a ride to get the belt and some coolant. It was a real E ticket ride as he was balls out going there. 90 MPH on back 2 lane roads kinda stuff. Hell, I dropped a $20 on his console cause it was so fun. No way a trooper was gonna get a ticket and this guy liked to have fun.