Just wrong in too many ways

those "made in china" parts are just a piece of the puzzle...

for decades....the Progressives (used to be called...the Communist Party) have wanted to fundamentally change the USA (ever heard that before?)....can't do it militarily...so they figured if they wreck us economically,morally, and pit us against one another...they can get us to abandon our Constitution.

and do not think for a second the younger generations are going to defend freedom.The Dept of Education thru indoctrination have turned our/your kids into idiots that hate the USA and love the collective ways of Karl Marx. There are a few good ones out there...but not nearly enough.

just be ready...stay vigilent...and keep your powder dry

it doesn't take a lot of intelligance to figure out ....just pay attention and ask yourself ...WTF???....why did they do that...or pass that???...often (as Judge Judy says)
if it doesn't make sense..it is because it's Bull$hit