Frakin' Colorado Wind!

Just saw video this morning of a kid getting blown off his feet at a bus stop:eek:

I saw that too, it was awesome... :D

On the US news yesterday it was saying 88mph sustained winds in parts of Colorado.. thats damn near hurricane force (or maybe it is).

Glad it was only a post or two.


Thanks Grant, it could've been worse. House is fine, fence, not so much.

Where I live we allways build fences finished side out... If the posts are on my side it's my fence, if there on the neighbors side it's theirs... something to think about if it was there when you bought the place.

Posts on my property, it's my fence.

Awwwwwww that sucks Joe! I'll bet the dogs are mad they have to stay inside too.

Dogs have a seperate fenced in area, but on the way there they can get out. Merlin decided he'd "Meet the Neighbors", went through there dog door before I could stop him, and flopped down on their couch... Thank Goodness they have a sense of humour. :oops:

We were on top of Red Cone in Colorado in our 4x4s with 80+ mph winds blowing. I thought we were going to get blown off the thing! Not cool!!

That would be a bad place to get blown off of. :D

Yeah, judging from the pics, the dogs are probably looking outside and saying "Nah, I'm good, you can go out".

Is there anyway of shoring that fence up until you get back and can concentrate better on it?

No real issue unless Merllin decides to go "visit". :-\"

Different laws here regarding fences. Building permits are required and you build finished side out regardless of whether you build on property line or on your side of the property line. But who gets permits for fences

I don't think the previous owner got a permit.... From talking to the enighbor, he went on vacation and came home to a big fence, lol.

Big bummer Joe! But as you said, it sure has been windy. Got about 6" here in Evergreen and the sun is now out!

I sure hope the weather gets nicer on Saturday so I can do some cleanup. It looks like crap right now.

I feel your pain Joe!

Wow! You guys got hit hard too.

We had a gust of 93mph here in Lyons yesterday. Also had a wildfire start up about 6pm about 2 miles from us because of a downed power line.
Amazing job by the fire fighters, it only burned 20 acres before they contained it. Thats prettty good with the wind pushing the fire.

p.s. we only got about 1" of snow overnight, not snowing now

The firefighters here Rock! Glad to hear you didn't get hit too hard with snow.

That about sums it up.

Those "solid" fences never last more than a few years before they get knocked down - why bother replacing it? Worst kind of fence to keep a dawg behind anyways as they cannot see past it which I think drives them nuts.

Great point airwoofer. I spoke with the neighbor about changing it up to a 6' chain link and he was all for it. I figure if I change it out, I'll never have to mess with it again, ever. Nieghbor's a great guy, used to roadrace motorcycles and was a motorcycle mechanic before getting into his present line of work.