Door hinges- have rebuilt or buy repop?

Gyarsh, let's see here: Option 1: Support a good-guy contributing member of this community who's doing work in America. Option 2: Buy reproduction hinges made in China. Sounds like an easy choice to me!
Well, us do-it-yourselfers are capable of this easy repair. So we jump in our American car built with foreign parts and drive on foreign gas to the local parts houses who may be foreign owned and this is the foreign product offered to us consumers. Its kinda out of our control at this point.

The guy offered his services to the O. P. so he had his opportunity. We bloggers are fortunate to offer our experiences with one another. Now its his choice.

I don't know you but your location lists you in British Columbia. What the heck are you so worried about the good ol' USA for? From all of your recent posts you seem to be the Vancouver Grinch! Cold weather getting to ya?:cheers:

Lighten up a little.:goodman: Life here isn't that horrible! Down here in the South we have much larger problems.

Adios Muchachos! Our borders are being over run! I don't think its the Chinese either.:D