200R4 update

It may be a little more money, but it looks a bunch nicer than a flat, square piece of aluminum. Looks like it's worth every penny. Looks like this type runs $550 here:


And the TCI is $471.38 here:


I think the Wilcap is $80 nicer.

First of all, I ordered everything I needed from Art Carr and didn't know I would be getting this style. Cutting it down to the shape I want isn't hard. I paid $375 for my adapter through Art Carr. That is $175 difference and I only had to shoot some paint for an outline and spend 20 minutes cutting. That's $175 extra I can put into something useful, like the new driveshaft of the new exhaust. Had I known I needed to cut, would I have done it differently? Maybe. But I'm not going to ***** about it now because it is a pretty minor detail. Since when has anything been perfect or gone the way we want on our cars? We drive Mopars. We are born to suffer. The end result is worth it.