Mopar Radio Improvement

I used a Audiovox Sound Explodeer amp in our first fish for many years. I think it is a 40 watt amp. I liked the single on/off button. Others like the equalizer amps with about 10 sliding adjusters.

Bingo....too funny LOL

View attachment Audiovox Booster 005 (Small).jpg

View attachment Audiovox Booster 003 (Small).jpg

I can't figure out how to wire it though. Can someone tell me how to attach this to my Mopar radio?

From reading other threads I believe Red is power

There's a thin Grey wire that's labeled "right channel" with a thin Brown wire attached to it.

Fat Brown wire is labeled "left speaker"

There are 2 fat Black wires twisted together....not sure if that's how they're supposed to be.