The most abundant substance on earth

**** Family Tree

Jack **** is the only son of O. **** and Awe ****. O. ****, the fertilizer plant manager, married Awe ****, who later ran the Kneedeep Inn-****. Jack **** eventually married Noe ****, and they had six children.

Holy ****, their first son, died after childbirth. Then the twins, Deep **** and Dip ****. After the twins came 2 daughters, Fulla **** and Giva ****. Their last childwas a boy, Bull ****.

Deep **** married Dumb ****, a high school drop-out. Dip **** married Lotta **** and had a son that they named Chicken ****. Fulla **** and Giva **** married the Happens' boys. The ****-Happens children are; Dog ****-Happens, Bird ****-Happens, and Horse ****-Happens. Bull **** married Pieca **** and are still awaiting Baby ****.

So, the next time someone tells you that you don't know Jack ****, not only can you tell them you do know Jack ****, but you also know the whole family!