Behold, the world's dumbest human being...

I rode in the 68 gtx that was at mats last year, definitly shows ya what there suspension does for even a big ol gtx, the guy didnt really push it very hard atleast i didnt think so but even so i could tell a huge difference i would think it would of run with my 89 shelby csx shadow says alot for an old mopar i wouldnt hesitate to purchase there products.

As for the guy in the vid what a d-bag after watching him i wouldnt let him drive anything of mine hes not comfortable enough to go 50mph iam not comfortable letting him step foot in my pride and joy if i was his wife i would turn down his prius to a 1v system so he dosnt scare himself if he ever gets his prius in some gravel. Obviously that 70 challenger wont out handle a fully built new mustang a stock mustang thats more apples to apples whats next t-bucket and an enzo