Plymouth Valiant Signet 4d

28 februari
The phone rang and it was time to go to the car. Luckily the car came out fine!! So I was very pleased.
Off course there was some scratching to do, but not to much. So we were off to Martin:

Seeing the car I was very happy, because indeed it didn't look to bad and there weren't any more nasty surprises! :)

Martin blows some of the sand away, so we can start scratching

All the parts that need some more attention are clearly visible so no problem there. Let the scratching begin!

After scratching the car Martin takes us to a friend with a lot of useful information. This is what makes these kind of project worth it. Meeting people who share the same passion and willing to guide you!! :good:

Well, Martin still has some sandblasting to do! After that he will put a thin layer of epoxy so we can still weld it quit easy.
We hope the car will be finished Saturday, but maybe it will take a couple of days more. No problem, cause I got all the time!!