Checking out a hoarder Tuesday!

Don't know how much cash you have, but I would ask for a whole lot price. Even the toys brong a fair price on ebag. Throw out a number like 10k just for grins, and you may get a bite. We sold off my Uncles estate last year. We had a guy bring a trailor and haul off nearly everything. Some of it was good stuff, antiques, that we just didn't feel like dealing with. We had just finished doing Mom's estate a few months earlier. You may be in the middle of the same situation, and pick up everything for 5k, because the junk is in the way of selling the house. It may have zero value to te sellers. Ask what they would like to get out of the house. You might be able to find a rehaber willing to by it, and some of that money rub off on you as a finders fee. This may be an opportunity where you can't see the forest for the trees. Is there much land with that building? A house? What does he think all of it's worth? And if you ask that question...hold your tongue, and let him speak first. What would you say it's worth? If the price is cheap...I may be interested in it. If I bought it, you would get a finders fee, and/or some stuff you would like in the building. Your decision. Thanks