
About 5 years ago I was taking my "normal" arthritis med, and had been having a lot of pain, and was taking Aleve (over the counter) along with. I felt fine, had no stomach glitches, and had been out with friends for a large lunch

That evening I wasn't very hungry so I had 1/2 can of tomato soup

About 8--9:00PM I started to feel "queesy" and figured "I'll be on the pot later."

SOMETIME I awoke to horrid feelings, went in and puked up a bunch of " " TOMATO SOUP " " which IN REALITY was BLOOD. Now, I can look back and realize I was "completely out of it" much like someone who is in hypothermia. I spent most of the early morning in a mess of blood, fainted on the bathroom floor. I finally awoke, and got enough senses back to call the am --booo--lance, they hauled me away, ha ha, hee hee. This happened the week before Christmas, and this left me weak and anemic into June.

The joke is they stuffed a camera down my throat and it came out my ***.

EVER since then I have to be inCREDIBLY careful of my meds, and have had a continuous problem with my gastric system. This mess still haunts me today, and I cannot get very far from my bathroom, and every place I go, I must continually keep a wandering eye out for them little rooms.