Got this 69 Dart today but is it 68 ?

Post the vin that should tell you 68 or 9. Nice catch by the way!
The six digit is 8 so it is a 68..

It's a '68 for sure.
It might have been left over and sold after the model year was over (non current) and sold after the '69 cars started to sell so they called it a '69 by mistake.
This has happened quite a lot over the years and still happens today.
I thinking that what happened !
The guy I bought from it was his first car in 1996 and it has been parked since 1999,he bought it from another person in Houston,Holy s$$$, I just noticed the previous owner from him that is my old boss from when I worked in a liquor store in the late 70's in Houston.....Small world.

My 1972 dart aint right either it has a earlier grill in it,go figure !!!