Seat foam for 66 Barracuda

I bought the foam from Legendary for mine. The modifications they're talking about are measuring and cutting the channels for the listing wires and attatching the "flaps" to hog ring it to the frame. The flaps are cloth or muslin purchased from a fabric shop. You could cut up an old bed sheet to do this also. I used 3m #90 spray adhesive to attach them. Bonds like a weld!! If you still have your old foam, take the measurements off of them and transfer to the new. If you don't have them, take your measurements off of the listing wire pockets on the vinyl upholstery. The Legendary stuff will come with some general instructions. Take your time, it's fairly easy. Hogging the listing wires in was the toughest part. I used the instructions from Legendary, tips from the shop manual and good sense trial fitting and exercising patience. I didn't take a lot of photos, but these might help you along.