
Anybody ever read the literature they give you when you pick up a prescription? I never have....until recently. I normally just take whatever they give me, try it out and see what happens. In the case of mood stabilizers, have not found one yet that I can tolerate. Pretty much have given up. Anti-depressants, well if used by themselves in a bi-polar individual lets just say the effects are a pretty wild ride, take a normal manic state and multiply it by 20 or so. Was fun, but frightening at the same time. Sleeping aids.....doc just switched me from Xanax to Temazepam. Paper work says it is a cIV drug, okay so it can be addicted blah blah blah. One of the paragraphs say "you may get out of bed while not being fully awake and do an activity that you do not know you are doing." Now this sounds like it can be fun. They mention sleep driving. Hmmmm, lots of trees around here, don't think I would get to far. Making and eating food?? Wow, this drug might finally enable me to cook something beyond burgers & dogs??
Further down the paper it says it may not be right for you if:
you have a history of depression.......yep
mental illness.........yep
suicidal thoughts......not presently but made pulled the trigger of a loaded handgun while it was in mouth, only misfire I ever had by the way......so I will give that a yep as well......
Also says no alcohol.......so I guess washing it down with a swig of Jack is not a good idea??
Hmmmmm.........maybe this is not for me.
i dont sleep well at all to say the least.and for me temazepam is some of the worst crap i have ever taken.it worked well for about 3 days.then the ultra strange dreams started.also i started to get a bad hangover.id feel dizzy as hell all day,and everything seem like i was dreaming.after about 2 weeks i was more screwed up than i would have been if i had not slept at all.if we are anything alike DO NOT TAKE THIS CRAP,youll regret it.