
After I had my first bypass at 45, I stopped all the meds after about 4 months. I am now 70 and take asprin, coreg, digoxin, vytorin, lexapro and flomax. I have a pacemaker/defibulator in my chest. It took a while to get the right meds and dosage. I am grateful to be looking at the grass from this side. I question my doctors about everything and If I don't like their answers I don't take it. My wife has allergies to about everything and I'm grateful that I don't have her allergies. I went through a few doctors before I got this team. If they can't talk person to person not GOD to peon, I'm gone. Medicine is not an exact science. Some things that were suposed to great are now not recommended. I hope my current formula works forever. ( I'm a dreamer)