R134 Conversion Woes - Evaporator Freeze-Up

Well it has taken me some time to get back to this little story, as it has taken a couple of twists & turns, and my travel schedule only allows me to work on the cars in spurts anyway. So here's the latest:

Shortly after Ramcharger gave me the low down on how to address the evaporator issue the compressor gave up the ghost. I guess it was just its time... So I installed a new (read that as "remanufactured" - this becomes important in a moment...) compressor, expansion valve, and receiver drier following the instructions as outlined by Ramcharger's future Mrs. I even flushed the entire system with some of that $34 a bottle Dura Flush from NAPA prior to the installation of the new parts. I then find out upon initial fire-up that the "new" compressor I've installed is also junk. It was banging & clanging like nobody's business. If I had to guess, I'd make the assumption that they gave me somebody's core rather than a compressor that had actually been refurbished. I quick trip down to the parts store while my blood was still boiling and I was at the wheel of the compressor-hammering beast ensured that they knew I was not to be f***ed with. They ordered a replacement (I insisted on a different brand) on the spot despite the price differential (which THEY ate) and I headed back home and I put it back in the garage where it sat until last weekend when I finally got a chance to get back to it.

Another compressor and sytem flush later all is well. As far as I know. I vacuumed & charged the system on Saturday and it seems to be working well. I need a good road trip to clearly determine that my evaportor freezing woes are behind me. Maybe this Saturday. Meanwhile, I wish that I had read Surfman's post on the EPR valve prior to putting this all back together as I blindly transferred this from one compressor to the other as I went through this entire process... I guess we'll see. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks again.
