A chick....

Last summer I was working out of town, in Macon/Warner Robins, GA. Spent 4 months down there and I couldn't believe how many people there were begging for money.

My roommate and I came out of a mex restaurant and this lady drives up to us in her nice minivan and asks for gas money so she can get home. If she was out of gas money why was she still driving around burning gas ? We didnt give her anything.

A few days later, we pull into a parking space in front of a bbq joint, this dude walks right up and starts giving me the story,," I need money to re-up my car insurance" and asks for a dollar, I say you'll have to settle for 75 cents, but my roomate hands him the dollar first, then the guys says "I I I I'll take that 75 cent too !" I cracked up and gave him the .75

A week later, I'm at a gas station filling up the rental car. This old dude gets out of his S-10 blazer and approaches the guy at the pump in front of me. I just turn my back to him so I wont make eye contact, but he approaches me anyway. Starts giving me the story, "I just live down the road but I need gas to get home"
I had had enough of this crap and I let him have it. I said "Really?, Your the forth one this week !" he goes "really ?",, I'm like " I cant get out of my car around here without someone approaching and asking for money !"
He backed off and got back in his blazer.
A couple days later, I saw the same guy, in the same blazer, hanging out in the same gas station.
I seems endless down there.