We found our "father son project" when Jeff was 14. Paid $1000 from the original owner that bought the car in Los Angeles. You can see all 14+ pages of the resto so far at the link below.

It's been a great learning experiance for him and refreshed a lot of what I hadn't done in quite some time. It was a great way for us to be together whether it was crawling through salvage yards or just washing and polishing parts. He even took 2nd place in the Mopar class at a local car show. However being in the Army has limited time, money, and space to a crawl lately. Jeff is now a senior in H.S. and pitching and outfield on his varsity baseball team while maintaining A's and B's. He is even taking Automotive Technologies classes at Central Texas College and is getting all A's there. Once he graduates H.S., he plans to continue at CTC and then transfer to Texas A&M-Central Texas to continue his studies and play ball for them too. He makes me proud just as your daughters do for you!