Post your cat

Here's my Fudgie Cat (Fudge) He looks black at first but he's actually like a dark chocolate with silver on his underside. Got him from a guy at work when he was 6 weeks old. Accidently broke his back right leg up close to the hip not too long after....about $600 at the vet and 3 pins and a splint later, his knee joint locked up and his leg is just straight except at the foot....looks kinda like a J or L, I call it the Leg of Doom, especially when your shirt is off and you're laying on the couch or bed and he jumps up on you and runs that leg, claws and all like a battering ram into your side or across your nipple...OUCH!! gRrrrrr.
Still uses it to jump and run...not so good on lanoleum or hardwood floors though...slips right out from underneath him. Other than that, he looks like he's got a peg leg walking He's over 4 yrs old now.
When my wife and I were engaged, she thought she was alergic to cats...she was growing begrudgingly I was gonna give him up to one of her best friends, I hate to say it but, I actually broke down and cried like a little girl in front of my wife and her friend when I dropped him off and he just looked at me like..."wtf?" He wouldn't sleep, eat, or anything, lost over 5 lbs, ended up peeing on her friends music that she wrote for school and crapping on her bed all in a week's time....and he's litter trained by the way...she said if I don't come and pick him up he's going to the humane soon as I arrived, he ran right to me and when we got him home he went right to eating and used the litter box. Cat is so attached to me that if I even go to the bathroom and close the door he's right there pawing at it and meowing like it's the end of the world. He'll only let me pick him up and will bite/scratch anyone else, although he's just now warming up to my wife after 2.5 years, lol. Craziest thing..but he's my buddy.