1971 Duster 340 ground up pictures

03/10/2012 Right now a freshly restored Omni is in the shop getting a TII drive train and electronics. No work is being done on the Duster until this is done. So I have been sorting screws . nuts and bolts and all small parts collected in the last 30 yrs for A-Bodies. I will take pics of that accomplishment today. This will help the build go faster when I get to that point. I won't have to hunt for any parts.

I am also getting every thing together for three ralley dashes. A member wants one and I am putting a complete one together for him. I need two. so he is buying the one taken from my duster with a tach and a nice pad installed. I have several but only three frames out until I bring in other cars.

Here are some pics of the mess I am going down to this morning.