A little bout the Doc

D-Doc, taking short cuts like B4 and U are fine to a point. Though, proper spelling is always preferred. Out right miss spellings like "mite" instead of might leave some wonderment about yourself. Your taken less serious.

Do the best you can. Leave the spell check on. I do. So far, "Always was with 2 "L's" and preferred is always something I can not ever remember. but the spell check will make the catch, show a few options of what it may think your trying to spell.

In some cases, the system may underline the word for a lack of a apostrophe. (Holy crap! I got it right without spell check! AWESOME! And yes, spell check doe's not always have all the car lingo words. You can always click, "Add to dictionary" and ad in words like MoPar, or what ever else pops up.

You should endevore (This one didn't show up on spell check) to spell the best you can as often as you can. This will help you self teach yourself. An honorable thing.

Always show yourself the best you can in what ever you do, no matter what it is. Do not take the easy way out or let yourself be seen as anything less than what you should be or want to be taken as. Intelligent!

A good heart is a most fond item by many. Not all. And those how do not take favor with the good heart'd will only take there heart and anything else afforded by there lack of guard. With a demonstration of not being intelligent, lesser peoples will try to take advantage. Ruthlessly.

Make the effort. It can and will be hard. But then again, anything worth something is never easy to begin with.
