Somebody 'be paintin' his beater pickup

Wow! Thanks for the reply. I like your idea about the check to a physical address. Here in CA you have to pay a CRV deposit on all cans, bottles etc. when you purchase them. Then, you also have to pay the city for curb-side recycling service as well. But instead of your cans, bottles etc. going to the city recycling program to help cover the costs, you just get vagrants and recycle teams roaming your neighborhood every trash day taking everything of value. It is technically illegal but the cops won't enforce it.

Within 200 yards of a large easement of woodland here filled with homeless "tent cities"" is a recycle center that always has a line of the vagrants and recycle teams every trash day with carts and van loads of resident's recycling. Within 50 yards of the recycling center is, you guessed it, a liquor store. It's a triangle of fail, that does nothing to promote the reusing of resources.

Don't even get me started on Pawn Shops, my blood pressure is up.

The big win that came out this situation is that after having them go in our yard and dig through our bins a few times my wife OK'ed my kegerator purchase to "limit our recycling". I'm saving the Earth one pint at a time.