Found this on eBay

I live just off S. Jasper St, about two blocks up from Lake Shore Drive. You?

And as far as being an early A owner, I can't lay claim to that yet. The guy that has the car I am interested in has not decided that he wants to sell it yet. Long story short, he's had this 65 Barracuda for 47 years (yes, it's a one owner) and it has been sitting in a garage slowly rotting for the past 25 years or so. He has gotten to the point, though, where he realizes that he doesn't have time to do what he wants with the car anymore and wants it to go to someone who will fix it up the way it needs to be done. I just happened to express my interest in the car to his wife at the right time, and he said he will make me a deal I can't refuse. I just have to wait for him to get to the point where he is ready to let go. I've been waiting for almost two years now. Considering the deal he is making me, I am going to be patient. In the meantime, I am lurking on here trying to learn as much as I can. If you want to see the pictures of the Barracuda, click the photos link to the left. As a starter car goes, it's not in that bad of shape. Just needs some TLC.