Help with choosing /6 build type for newbie

Bill it looks like you have put alot of time in on these slants. As far as transmission any suggestions. Also the suspension seems a paradox. The cars seem to ride so low as it is i couldnt image the car dropping 2 inches. I have looked at Hotchikiss TVS and simple mods from PST. I want to leave the factory 14s on her to keep the year look. Dont want to clutter thread il just pm you if thats alright. Thanks

Sleeper; don't believe everything you read... LOL!

I have been around hot rodding since 1955 (born in 1938... the dark ages) and have built and raced a lot of different cars, and still love it. Right now, my racing partner (he's a year older than I am) and I are embarking on an adventure that is getting more interesting by the day: Neither of us has ANY hands-on experience with sixes of any kind, OR turbochargers.

We are slow learners, so it's taking a long time to get this thing together, but we're making progress. We (hopefully) learn as we go....

So, if you need advice about anything pertaining to slant sixes OR turbocharging, you'd do very well to ask someone who's ACTUALLY WORKED ON ONE... instead of relying on a newbie like me.

We have gotten tons of great advice from experienced turbo and/or slant six guys on FABO and over on the Slant forum, and there are lots of people here who can help you...

MUCH better than ~I~ can...

Our car will be operational in the Spring, we hope... been at it nearly three years.

I can't answer your suspension question, either; going around curves is not my forte'... LOL!

Here are a couple of recent photos of OUR bucket of bolts...